Because we grown-ups need the joy of affirmation, encouragement, and a little token to document our accomplishments too.

Pizza Night

Like for you and yours, this long year of isolation has taken a toll on me and my household. Navigating the balance between ritual and boredom is precarious. One of our COVID defenses has been the institution of Friday Pizza Nights. There is enough variety in flavors and toppings and enough nutrition in ingredients and…

The Sticky Stuff

When my kids were little we often included young single friends in our celebrations. There was one guy who always stopped at a convenience store on the way to birthday parties at our house. He would load up a bag with whatever he could find – candy, soda, a kid magazine… but by far the…


I watched much of the inauguration with some of my children today (we did do some cleaning too.) It was fun and emotional and hopeful. But more, it was important. I am so privileged and thankful to have had the opportunity to share this, another historic day, with my favorites. Over the course of the…